Page 5 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
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                   01.    ETHICAL PURSPECTIVE OF BMRC

                          Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC) was established in 1972 by
                          the  Father  of  the  Nation  Bangabandhu  Sheikh  Mujibur  Rahman  as  an
                          Autonomous  Body  under  Ministry  of  Health  and  Family  Welfare
                          (MOH&FW). As per resolution of the Government, BMRC is the focal point
                          for Health Research. The objectives of BMRC are to identify problems and
                          issues  relating  to  medical  and  health  sciences  and  to  determine  priority
                          areas  in  research  on  the  basis  of  health  care  needs,  goals,  policies  and

                          BMRC  organize  and  promote  scientific  research  in  various  fields  of
                          medicine,  public  health,  reproductive  health  and  nutrition  with  specific
                          references to primary health care needs for the application and utilization
                          of the results of health research.

                          Bangladesh  Medical  Research  Council  (BMRC)  is  the  Secretariat  for  the
                          National Research Ethics Committee (NREC). According to BMRC Policy
                          each  and  every  Project  Proposal  approved  by  the  Scientific  Review
                          Committee  must  get  ethical  approval  before  funding.  Scientific  validity
                          should  be  approved  by  a  valid  Scientific  Review  Committee  before
                          submission of a research project to NREC.

                          BMRC  has  National  Research  Ethics  Committee  (NREC)  for  Ethical
                          Clearance of research works. The Ethics Review Committee of BMRC was
                          established  in  1979.  The  Committee  consists  of  9-13  Members  (Lawyer,
                          Female  Representative,  Religious  Leader,  are  included  as  Member).
                          The Committee is      formed  by  the  Council  under  Guidelines  for
                          formation of Ethics Review  Committee  for  “tenure  of  3  Years.  The
                          Committee is registered in OHRP   as  an  official  IRB  (lRB  No.  0001494)
                          and has FWA (#00006444). The        Committee   has        given      ethical
                          approvals to investigators of numerous     International  Agencies       and
                          academic  Institutions  (e.g.  WHO,  UNICEF,  UNFPA,  Harvard,  Johns
                          Hopkins, Columbia, Cambridge Universities, Intl. NGOs etc.)

                          1.1    Role of BMRC:

                          As per National Research Strategy (Memo No:   MOHFW/  Hospital  -2  /
                          Misc-16/07/06,  date:  05 January,  2009)  the  followings  are  the  Role  of

                          BMRC on ethical issues.

                          1.     Co-ordinate  health  research  by  liaising  with  all  research

                          2.     BMRC  will  assist  the  government  in  the  development  of  health
                                 research priorities.

                   BMRC ETHICAL GUIDELINE ON HUMAN SUBJECTS                                    Page 1
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