Page 11 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
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behavioral  research.  The  report  also  describes  the   assessment  of  risk-
                          benefit  criteria  and  introduced  the  written  informed  consent.  CIOMS
                          Guideline (Annex-3).

                          In 1993, Council for international organization of Medical Science
                          (CIOMS)  in  collaboration  with  World  Health  Organization  (WHO)
                          developed  international  ethical  guidelines  for  biomedical  research  with
                          special  attention  to  developing  country  in  response  to  common  research
                          e.g.  HIV  /  AIDS.  CIOMS  took  20  years  to  develop  guidelines  involving
                          participants from  developing and developed country. Any intervention or
                          product or knowledge generated by research will be made available for the
                          benefit  of  the  population  or  community  of  the  research  country  is  the
                          cornerstone  of  the  CIOMS.  It  also  justifies  the  placebo  control  and
                          includes a section on compensation for research injuries not found in other

                          International     Conference      for    Harmonization–Good         Clinical
                          Practice  (ICH-GCP)  was  promulgated  in  1996  by  international
                          conference for harmonization of technical requirements for registration of
                          Pharmaceuticals  for  human  use.  It  depicts  the  standard  for  review
                          committee, investigators, and sponsors. It is specific for research on drugs
                          or devices seeking regulatory approval. It opposes the active control trial.
                          ICH-GCP  is  agreed  by  Europe,  USA  and  Japan       as  well  as  those  of
                          Australia,  Canada,  the  Nordic  countries  and  WHO.  WHO  has  developed
                          GCP Guidelines, known as WHO-GCP. (Annex-4)

                   03.   ISSUES IN ETHICAL CLEARANCE

                          3.1.   Informed Consent of participants

                          Informed Consent of participants refers to having consent of participants
                          by  informing  detail  particulars  of  the  study.  For  all  research  involving
                          human participants, the investigator must obtain the informed consent of
                          the prospective participant. In case an individual is not capable of giving
                          informed  consent,  the  proxy  consent  of  a  properly  authorized
                          representative  must    be  obtained.  The  form  which  is  used  to  take  the
                          consent  of  participants  is  called  the  Informed  Consent  Form  (lCF).  The
                          information should be given in language that is capable of understanding
                          by  the  participants  e.g.  for  Bangladeshi  subject  the  Informed  Consent
                          Form  should  be  written  in  "Bangla"  along  with  its  English  version.  The
                          Informed Consent Form be attached with Research Proposal and shall get
                          Ethical clearance from NREC.

                          Informed Consent Form shall include following information:
                                Aim and method of the research
                                Criteria for selection of the participant
                                Duration of participation

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