Page 15 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
P. 15

such  a  way  that  an  individual  remains  unidentified.  **  The  investigator
                          should adopt following measures to maintain confidentiality:

                          ✓      Code numbers for data

                          ✓      Remove  core  sheets  (containing  names  "and  address  of  the

                          ✓      Omitting identifications

                          ✓      Prevent unlimited access to data

                          ✓      Train  related  manpower  in  confidentiality.  Keep  research
                                 records    in   locked   cabinets.   Provide    security   codes   for
                                 computerized records.

                          ✓      The     investigator    must     establish    safeguards     of   the
                                 confidentiality  or  research  data.  Subjects  should  be  told  of  the
                                 limits to the   investigators' ability to safeguard confidentiality and
                                 of the anticipated consequences of breaches of confidentiality.

                                 Degree  of  importance  of  confidentiality  depends  on  the  nature  of
                                 research study. If the research study involves collection of data on
                                 sensitive  issues,  protections  of  confidentiality  become  prominent
                                 and essential.

                          ✓      The investigators responsibility is to secure safeguards of      the

                          ✓      Limitations    of   the    investigator   related    to   breach    of
                                 confidentiality  and  anticipated  consequences  of  breaches  of
                                 confidentiality should be told to subjects.
                          *      Confidentiality  between  investigator  and  subject  is  considered
                                 because disclosure of data may cause harm or distress.
                          **     Foreseeable adverse social consequences must be discussed.

                          3.3.   Inducement

                          Inducement  means  to  encourage  the  participants  to  participate  in  the

                                Participants may be paid for inconvenience and time spent.
                                They should be reimbursed for expenses incurred, In       connection
                                 with their participation in research.

                                They  may  also  receive  free  medical  services.  However,  the
                                 payments should not be so large or the medical services so extensive
                                 as  to  induce  prospective  subjects  to  consent  to  participate  in  the
                                 research against their better judgment (undue inducement).

                   BMRC ETHICAL GUIDELINE ON HUMAN SUBJECTS                                   Page 11
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