Page 23 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
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circumstances,  retractions  most  often  do  not  appear  in  the  media.
                          Therefore, it is important to avoid premature reports and publicity stunts.

                          The  best  safeguard  against  inaccurate  reporting  is  for  the  researcher  to
                          talk to media on condition that the reporter submit a full written, rather
                          than  oral  version,  of  what  will  be  reported,  so  that  it  enables  the
                          researcher to make necessary corrections, if needed, prior to publication.
                          Investigator’s  publication  plans  should  not  threaten  the  privacy  or
                          confidentiality of participants, for example publication of pedigrees in the
                          report  on  research  in  genetics  can  result  in  identification  of  study
                          participants.  It  is  recommended  that  a  clear  consent  for  publication  be
                          obtained besides the consent for participation in research or treatment and
                          such  a  consent  should  preferably  be  obtained  on  two  different  occasions
                          and not as a blanket one at the commencement of the study. Maintenance
                          of  confidentiality  while  publishing  data  should  be  taken  care  of.  In  case
                          there is need for publication / presentation of photographs/ slides / videos
                          of participant (s), prior consent to do so should be obtained. Identification
                          features should be appropriately camouflaged. The same safeguard should
                          be observed for video coverage.

                          With  regard  to  authorship,  the  International  Committee  of  Medical
                          Journal  Editors  (ICJME)  has  laid  down  criteria  based  on  credit  and
                          accountability. Only those who make substantial contribution to the article
                          and  take  responsibility  for  the  published  matter  can  be  co-authors.
                          Plagiarism  or  falsification  of  data  and  authorship  are  important  ethical
                          issues  in  publications.  The  term  ‘misconduct  in  research’  means
                          fabrication,  falsification,  plagiarism,  selective  omission  of  data  and
                          claiming that some data are missing, ignoring outliers without declaring it,
                          not  reporting  data  on  side  effects/  adverse  reactions  in  a  clinical  trial,
                          publication of post-hoc analysis without declaring it, gift authorship, not
                          citing  others’  work,  not  disclosing  conflict  of  interest,  redundant
                          publication,  and  failure  to  adequately  review  existing  research.  The
                          Commission  on  Research  Integrity  in  US  created  by  US  Congress
                          addresses the scientific, ethical, social and legal issues involving scientific
                          misconduct  in  research.  Consolidated  standards  of  reporting  trials
                          (CONSORT)  guidelines  have  been  prescribed  for  publishing  results  of
                          clinical research especially RCTs (Randomized Controlled Trials) and are
                          available at http://www.consort- (ICMR-2006)

                          HEALTH RESEARCH STRATEGIES:

                          ➢      The  National  Research  Ethics  Committee  (NREC)  will  set
                                 standards,  advice  the  Departments  and  the  Ministry  of  Health  &
                                 Family  Welfare  on  the  management  of  research  ethics  for
                                 Bangladesh and arbitrate on matters of Ethics.

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