Page 25 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
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                   10.    INTERVENTIONAL STUDIES

                          The importance of clinical studies has been increasing with the advances
                          in science and technology and these studies designed to improve methods
                          of preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases, for better understanding
                          of the etiology and pathophysiology of individual diseases, and to improve
                          the quality of life of patients. Research on human participants is necessary
                          to discover better medical and therapeutic modalities and it is contributed
                          hugely  to  human  good.  However,  such  research  on  healthy  participants
                          and  patients  is  associated  with  some  degree  of  risk  to  the  individual
                          concerned. These guidelines have been framed to carry out the evaluation
                          of  drugs,  vaccines,  devices  and  other  diagnostic  materials  on  human
                          participants  including  herbal  remedies,  in  accordance  with  the  basic
                          ethical  principles.  These  guidelines  are  important  for  the  protection  of
                          research participants against any avoidable risk, guide the researchers in
                          the  preparation  of  research  proposals/  protocols  and  facilitate  ethical
                          committees (ECs) to review and approve such studies and also to protect
                          the  researcher.  For  the  clinical  evaluation  of  proposed  research
                          intervention,  the  framework  of  guidelines  is  provided  for  the  following

                                 1.      Drug trials (including nutritional substances)
                                 2.      Vaccine trials
                                 3.      Surgical procedures / medical devices
                                 4.      Diagnostic  agents  -  with  special  reference  to  use  of
                                         radioactive materials and X-rays
                                 5.      Trials with herbal remedies

                          GENERAL PRINCIPLES

                          These  guidelines  follow  the  four  basic  principles  of  research  involving
                          human  participants  namely  autonomy  (respect  for  individual  rights),
                          beneficence  (do  good),  non-maleficence  (do  no  harm)  and  justice.  A
                          researcher is the key person who is responsible for the research trial and
                          for protection of the rights, health and welfare of the participants included
                          in  the  study.  The  researcher  should  have  qualification  and  capability  to
                          pursue clinical research appropriately and should be aware of and meet all
                          requirements  of  the  study  protocol  as  described  under  the  General
                          Principles and General Issues in these guidelines.

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