Page 48 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
P. 48


                          11.1  INTRODUCTION

                          Epidemiology  concern  with  the  pattern  of  disease  that  occur  in  human
                          populations  &  the  factors  influence  these  pattern.  In  the  earlier  years,
                          epidemiology of infectious diseases was of great importance in Bangladesh,
                          considering that these were very prevalent. Over the years, infections as a
                          cause  of  diseases  have  diminished  in  importance  as  a  result  of  various
                          measures taken to control these. Improvement in economy and changes in
                          life  styles  have  contributed  to  the  increase  in  numbers  of  non  infectious
                          diseases such as diabetes mellitus, ischaemic heart disease. Many studies
                          in the western world have demonstrated that epidemiological studies can
                          identify  risk  factors  contributing  to  many  diseases.  This  can  lead  to
                          adoption  of  effective  public  health  measures  to  prevent  and  reduce  the
                          incidence of these diseases.

                          Generally  Epidemiological  studies  are  in  two  categories  –  observational
                          and non-observational. These studies are mainly based on cross-sectional,
                          case-control or cohort approaches. Surveillance, programme evaluation and
                          research are involved in Epidemiological studies.  Ethics in epidemiological
                          studies is multidimensional covering clinical medicine, public health and
                          the social milieu. The code of ethics in epidemiological studies needs better
                          understood  in  clinical  research,  that  ensure  the  optimum  importance
                          between  a  clinical  researcher  and  a  patient.  This  aspect  needs  to  be
                          addressed in preparing a guideline for ethical review of scientific studies in

                          Research  in  epidemiological  aspects  of  health  and  disease  may  involve
                          large numbers of study participants and may need to be conducted over a
                          long  period  of  time.  In  this,  these  studies  differ  from  clinical  trials.
                          Mistakes or omissions, if not carefully checked for at the beginning, may
                          create problem when these are detected later.  To repeat the whole study
                          will be wasteful and may not be possible. It is, therefore, essential that all
                          important aspects such as technical, practical as well as ethical should be
                          scrutinized carefully at the very beginning of the study.

                          11.2  DEFINITIONS

                          Observational  Epidemiology:  Predefined  parameters  in  a  defined
                          population  group  over  a  specified  period  and  frequency  are  recorded  for
                          finding  the  risks  of  exposure  that  affecting  the  health  known  as
                          Observational studies. These are the following types:

                          a.     Cross Sectional Studies (Surveys): Cross-sectional studies focus
                          on  comparing  as  well  as  describing  a  problem  or  situation  at  a  point  of
                          time. It is primarily population based study. In this study sample may be
                          an  entire  population  or  randomly  selected  from  the  representative

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