Page 49 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
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population based on census data & using questionnaires for measuring the
                          prevalence of diseases & it’s effect as well as to test hypotheses about the
                          possible  cause  of  disease  or  suspected  risk  factors.  Informed  consent  is
                          required from the participants who are directly involved only once in the
                          defined period.

                          b.     Case Control Studies: This usually compares the past history of
                          exposure  to  risks  among  patients  who  have  a  specified  condition/disease
                          (cases)  with  the  past  history  of  exposure  to  this  among  persons  who
                          resemble  the  cases  in  such  respects  as  age,  sex  socioeconomic  status,
                          geographic  location,  but  who  do  not  have  the  disease  (controls).  Case
                          control  studies  can  be  done  by  following  up  available  records,  usually
                          records  in  a  hospital,  but  in  the  context  of  a  country  like  ours  it  may
                          require  direct  contact  between  research  workers  and  study  participants
                          and informed consent to participate in the study is necessary. However, if
                          it entails only a review of medical records, informed consent may not be
                          required and indeed may very often not be feasible. But for such waiver of
                          consent approval from NREC would be necessary.

                          c.     Cohort Studies: These are longitudinal or prospective studies of a
                          group  of  individuals  with  differing  exposure  levels  to  suspected  risk
                          factors.  They  are observed  over  a  long  period  usually  several  years.  The
                          rate of occurrence of the condition of interest is measured and compared in
                          relation  to  identified  risk  factors.  It  requires  a  study  of  large  number  of
                          participants  for  a  long  time  and  involves  asking  questions,  checking  of
                          records,  routine  medical  examination  and  sometimes  laboratory
                          investigations.  Individuals  are  being  followed  up  as  the  cohort  and  it  is
                          essential to identify precisely every individual to be studied.

                          Experimental Epidemiology: In this study the investigators find out the
                          effects of  the intervention on health by  altering one or more parameters
                          under  controlled  conditions.  Usually  Experimental  epidemiology  done  to
                          test  a  preventive  or  therapeutic  regimen  or  the  efficacy  of  a  diagnostic
                          procedure  by  randomized  controlled  trials.  Clinical  evaluation  of  drugs
                          /devices  /  products  /  vaccines  etc  is  done  under  these  epidemiological
                          studies.  Use  of  placebo  as  one  of  the  arm  of  this  trial  that  should  be
                          explained and informed consent taken from the participant is mandatory
                          of this studies.

                          11.3  GENERAL PRINCIPLES

                          In principles of ethics it is always considered to respect the persons, duty
                          to  maximize  possible  benefits  and  minimize  possible  harm.  It  is  also
                          essential  that  all  individuals  in  an  epidemiological  research  are  treated
                          alike keeping in mind the rules of distributive justice. The welfare of the
                          individual  has  to  be  balanced against  the  welfare of  the  community  and
                          society  at  large.  The  CIOMS  /  WHO  Guidelines  for  Epidemiological
                          Research  assume  that  the  individuals  or  populations  being  studied  are

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