Page 56 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
P. 56

l.     No  research  on  stem  cell  will  be  ethical  if  it  involve  direct  or  in
                                 direct unethical financial interest.

                          m.     Stem  cell  research  center  should  be  established  in  the  in  the
                                 academic centers or universities with approval of GOB and BMRC.

                          12.3.  Human fetal tissue Transplantation

                          Human  fetal  tissue  could  be  used  in  transplantation  research  for  a
                          wide  range  of  purposes.  The  use  of  fetal  tissue  will  minimize  the
                          chance of rejection.
                          a.     The  transplantation  research  on  tissues  or  organs  of  embryo  or
                                 fetus  should  be  approved  by  the  “BMRC”  in  keeping  with  the
                                 national guidelines.

                          b.     Such  researches  are  only  permitted  in  the  public  universities  or
                                 research  centre’s  those  who  have  authorized  standard  research
                                 laboratory on this regards and under surveillance of the Ministry of
                                 Health and BMRC.

                          c.     For  using  the  organs  and  tissues  of  fetus  in  the  transplantation
                                 research, scientific approval of the research and follow up, control
                                 and subsequent assessments by the research institute, BMRC and
                                 related authorities are necessary.

                          d.     For prevention of misconduct in using fetal tissues, specialists who
                                 approve abortion should not be the member of the research group or
                                 the  organization  who  subsequently  uses  the  embryonic  or  fetal
                                 tissues.  Any  attempt  of  creation  of  human  beings  for
                                 transplantation purposes has been banned.

                          e.     Financial relationship between the donor and the recipient in the
                                 research on transplantation of organs and tissues of embryo or fetus
                                 is forbidden.
                          f.     Abortion of live fetus is restricted for research purpose.

                          g.     Tissue for transplantation or research may be obtained  from dead
                                 embryos or foetuses, their death resulting from legally induced or
                                 spontaneous  abortion.  Death  of  an  intact  embryo  or  foetus  is
                                 defined as absence of respiration and heart beat.

                          h.     Voluntary,  informed,  written  consent  will  be  obtained  from  the
                                 mother in two stages - first for the abortion, next for the donation of
                                 tissue from the foetus.

                          i.     Termination  of  pregnancy  should  not  be  sought  with  a  view  to
                                 donate foetal tissue in return for possible financial or  therapeutic

                          j.     The mother’s decision to donate foetal tissue is sufficient for the use
                                 of the tissue unless the father objects in writing. In cases of incest
                                 or rape, the father’s objection carries no significance.

                   BMRC ETHICAL GUIDELINE ON HUMAN SUBJECTS                                   Page 52
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