Page 61 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
P. 61

i.     Optimum  support  and  education  should  be  provided  for  children
                                 and families with genetic conditions.

                          j.     Adopted  children  and  others  with  biological  relationships  outside
                                 the  family  should  be  able  to  receive  information  about  their
                                 biological relatives, under strict anonymity rules.

                          k.     Research protocols should follow established procedures for review
                                 and informed consent.

                          l.     Protocols  for  experimental  human  gene  therapy  should  receive
                                 national  review,  with  attention  to  the  potential  benefits  or  risks
                                 arising from   various approaches to therapy.

                          m.     All institutions and investigators, both public and private, carrying
                                 out  research  on  human  stem  cells  should  be  registered  with  the

                          n.     All new human pluripotent stem cell lines, irrespective of the source
                                 and methodology used, shall be created, and registered with BMRC
                                 detailing on its source, development, passage number, identity and

                          o.     All  records  pertaining  to  adult  stem  cell  research  must  be
                                 maintained for at least 5 years and those for hES/iPS cell research
                                 for 10 years.

                          13.3  Basic Responsibilities of All Researchers

                          a.     All  researchers  and  equivalent  persons  shall  conduct  human
                                 genome/gene analysis research for such purposes as elucidating life
                                 phenomena,   preventing  diseases,  improving  diagnosis  and
                                 treatment protocols, and promoting health.

                          b.     All  researchers  and  equivalent  persons  shall  ensure  the  societal
                                 usefulness of their human genome/gene analysis research and shall
                                 pay attention  to guaranteeing  the  human  rights  of  individuals  by
                                 prioritizing   them over scientific or societal benefits.

                          c.     All  researchers  and  equivalent  persons  shall  make  it  a  basic
                                 practice  to  conduct  human  genome/gene  analysis  research  only
                                 after obtaining the informed consent of donors or proxy consenters.

                          d.     All researchers and equivalent persons shall not, in the absence of
                                 any justifiable reason, divulge personal information obtained in the
                                 course of their duties. This shall continue to apply after they resign
                                 their position.

                          e.     All  researchers  and  equivalent  persons  shall  endeavor  to  protect
                                 personal  information  and  shall  also  respond  in  good  faith  to

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