Page 62 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
P. 62

questions,  complaints,  etc.  concerning  the  handling  of  personal

                          f.     All  researchers  and  equivalent  persons  shall,  when  any  serious
                                 concerns arise in terms of guaranteeing the human rights of donors,
                                 etc., such as an  unexpected divulgence of  personal     information,
                                 immediately  report  this  to  the  director  /  head  of  their  research
                                 institution and.

                          g.     All  researchers  and  equivalent  persons  shall  conduct  human
                                 genome/gene  analysis  research  properly  in  compliance  with  these
                                 Guidelines and with  respect  for  human  dignity  and  human  rights
                                 by, for instance, conducting research in accordance with a research
                                 protocol as authorized by the ethics review committee and approved
                                 by the director/head of their research institution.

                          h.     All researchers and equivalent persons shall endeavor to guarantee
                                 the transparency of their research through, for instance, ensuring
                                 due  process  when  conducting  research,  on-site  investigations  by
                                 outside  experts,  appropriate  responses  to    inquiries    from  donors,
                                 etc. regarding the progress of research, and the release of research
                                 results into the public domain.

                          i.     All researchers and equivalent persons shall, in consideration of the
                                 fact  that  the  donation  of  human  specimens  is  based  on  goodwill,
                                 make efforts to minimize the amount of human specimens donated
                                 from  people  by,  for  instance,  properly  preserving  and  utilizing
                                 specimens already provided.

                          j.     No  researchers  and  equivalent  persons  shall,  when  conducting
                                 human      genome/gene     analysis   research,   acquire    personal
                                 information  or  human  specimen  by  deception  or  other  wrongful

                          13.4   Responsibilities of Director/Head of Research Institutions

                          a.     Director/Head  of  research  institutions,  such  as  human  specimen
                                 collecting  institutions,  that  handle  personal  information  shall
                                 designate  a  personal  information  custodian  for  the  purpose  of
                                 protecting  personal  information  in  human  genome/gene  analysis

                                 Director/Head may, as  required, also  designate, upon specifying a
                                 chain  of  command,  a  co-custodian  or  an  assistant  who  conducts
                                 actual operations under the supervision of a personal information

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