Page 66 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
P. 66

or equivalent person and/or  intellectual    property     rights    of

                         xii.    Principal  Investigator  shall  be  understood  that  while  no  bar  is
                                 placed  in  carrying  out  experiments  which  may  lead  to  benefit  to
                                 humanity, but this should not take them down on the slippery road
                                 to prohibited areas of research.
                        xiii.    Once  the  cell  line  is  established,  it  shall  be  registered  with  the

                          13.6   Matters to be included

                          Matters  to  be  included  in  explanatory  documents  for  donors  and  proxy
                          consenters,  etc.  shall,  in  general,  be  as  follows,  but  adjustments  may  be
                          made according to the details of the research:

                          •      That the donation of human specimens is voluntary.

                          •      That  any person  who  has  received  a  request  for  human  specimen
                                 donation  will  not  be  treated  in  a  disadvantageous  manner  as  a
                                 result of not agreeing to donate a human specimen.

                          •      That  a  donor  or  proxy  consenter,  etc.  may  revoke,  in  writing,  the
                                 informed  consent  they  gave,  at  any  time  without  suffering  any
                                 disadvantage  (including,  where  necessary,  the  methods  for
                                 receiving requests for revocation).

                          •      That,  where  consent  has  been  revoked  by  a  donor  or  proxy
                                 consenter, etc., the human specimens and research results related
                                 to the said revocation will be disposed of, unless, for instance, they
                                 have been anonymized in an unlinkable fashion.

                          •      The reasons for selection as a donor.

                          •      The  significance,  objectives  and  method  of  research  (the  targeted
                                 disorder,  analytical  methods  and  so  forth;  where  future  additions
                                 and/or alterations are anticipated, a description to that effect; in the
                                 case  of  a  single-gene  disorder  or  the  like,  the  necessity  of  the
                                 research,  measures  for  preventing  disadvantage  and  other  items
                                 worthy of special mention), the period of research.

                          •      When personal information is used jointly with other institutions in
                                 collaborative  research:  (i)  the  fact  that  it  is  collaborative,  (ii)  the
                                 items of the personal information used jointly, (iii) the scope of the
                                 joint users, (iv) the purpose for which the personal information is
                                 used by them, and (v) the names of the persons responsible for the
                                 management of the personal information.

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