Page 84 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
P. 84

and  related  projects  are  publicly  funded,  the  result  will  benefit
                                 private industry. To what extent is this outcome satisfactory?

                          Some additional points:

                          Apart from the guidelines outlined in this document, BMRC should form
                          specific committees with relevant experts and specified terms of references
                          (TORs)  in  dealing  with  issues  not  detailed  in  this  document  or  those
                          arising  from  its  content  from  their  socio-cultural  medical,  and  legal

                          When constructing the informed consent forms, every effort must be made
                          to  minimize  the  effects  of  general  and  health-related  illiteracy  of  the
                          common people of Bangladesh on t heir understanding of what would be
                          done on them and with the research materials or information derived from

                          Education  both  professional  and  public  has  to  be  taken  “as  the  key  to
                          ethical  genetics  service”  (Review  of  ethical  issues  in  medical  genetics

                          It  any  research  proposal  requires  periodic  review  to  decide  whether  the
                          research  is  being  conducted  properly  and  whether  it  should  be
                          discontinued, the proposal should include provision for periodic review.

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