Page 85 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
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                   8.     IR  Iran  Parliament  (2000).  Deceased  or  Brain  Dead  Patients  Organ
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                   9.     Medical Ethics and History of Medicine Research Center (MEHR) (2005).
                          The    National    Ethical   Guidelines    (in   Farsi).   Available    from:
                   10.    The  UK  Medical  Research  Council  (2001).  MRC  Ethics  Series:  Human
                          Tissue  and  Biological  Samples  for  use  in  Research:  Operational  and
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                   11.    Indian Council of Medical Research New Delhi (2000). Ethical Guidelines
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                   12.    National  Health  and  Medical  Research  Council  (NHMRC,  Australia)
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                   14.    Ethics of Stem Cell Research (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).
                   15.    Guidelines  for  Stem  Cell  Research,  Indian  Council  of  Medical  Research,
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                   17.    Guidelines  on  Ethics  for  Medical  Research:  Reproductive  Biology  and
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                   18.    South African Medical Research Council. (SAMRC, 2006,SouthAfrica)
                   19.    Updated Guidelines for Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Research, June 30,
                          2010. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. (CIHR, 2010, Canada)
                   20.    Guidelines for Ethical Review of Research Proposals for Human Somatic
                          Cell Gene Therapy and Related Therapies, National Health and Medical
                          Research Council, Australia. (NHMRC, 2006, Australia)
                   21.    Review  of  Ethical  Issues  in  Medical  Genetics,  2003.  World  Health
                          Organization Human Genetics Programme.   (WHO, 2003)

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