Page 86 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
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22.    Guidelines  for  the  Conduct  of  Human  Embryonic  Stem  Cell  Research,
                   23.    International Society for Stem Cell Research. (ISSCR, 2006)
                   24.    World Health Organization. "Guidelines for good clinical practice (GCP) for
                          trials    on    pharmaceutical      products." WHO      Technical     Report
                          Series 850(1995): 97-137.
                   25.    International  Conference  on  Harmonisation  Working  Group.  "ICH
                          harmonised  tripartite  guideline:  guideline  for  good  clinical  practice  E6
                          (R1)."  International  Conference  on  Harmonisation  of  Technical
                          Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use. Vol. 10.
                   26.    APA
                   27.    World Health Organization. “Operational guidance: Information Needed to
                          Support  Clinical  Trials  of  Herbal  Products.    Special  Programme  for
                          Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (2005).
                   28.    World  Health  Organization.  “Guidelines  for  the  regulation  of  herbal
                          medicines  in  the  South-East  Asia  Region”  World  Health  Organization
                          Regional Office for South-East Asia, New Delhi (2003)
                   29.    Operational  guidance:  Information  needed  to  support  clinical  trials  of
                          herbal products, TDR/GEN/Guidance/05.1,2005,WHO.
                   30.    A  Guide  for  Developing  Standard  Operating  Procedures  for  Committees
                          that Review Biomedical Research Proposals, Srilanka.

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