Page 10 - Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
P. 10

                                                 ETHICAL APPROVAL

                    • Project Title :

                    • Summary :

                    •  Introduction:  (Introduce  the  subject.  Provide  full  background  information.  Cite
                    literatures that are specific to the topic of the research proposal. Information should be
                    completed to prove that the research proposal is based on a sound scientific footing.)

                    • Objectives: (List the general and specific objectives of the proposed study and state
                    clearly the question that is being posed or the hypothesis being tested.)

                    •  Rationale:  (Describe  the  relevance  of  the  proposed  study  to  national  health
                    priorities  and  relationship  of  the  objectives  to  existing  scientific  knowledge  on the
                    subject.  Cite  relevant  literature  and  refer  to  related  studies  done  in  our  country  or

                    •  Methodology:  (Describe  the  design  of  the  study  and  methodology  in  sufficient
                    detail to enable assessment of how they will  contribute towards achievement of the
                    stated objectives and to permit proper appraisal of the budget. Plan for data analysis
                    should be included if relevant and important. This section should contain details of the
                    research methods. Enough detail should be given to evaluate whether the methods are
                    already  tested  and  feasible.  The  following  scheme  is  suggested:  Factors  in  study
                    (variables),  Study  Population,  Sampling,  Statistical  basis  of  the  sample  size,
                    Procedures,  Methods  of  Data  Collection,  Pretesting,  Data  Interpretation,  Statistical
                    Analysis  (Correlation,  Significance  Test,  Coefficient  of  Variation,  Evaluation
                    Methods, wherever applicable).

                    • Utilization of Results: (Describe in brief how you perceive that the results from this
                    study may contribute to health development of the Country.)
                    •  Facilities  :  (Resources,  equipment,  chemicals,  subjects  (human,  animal)  etc.
                    required for the study):
                    o Facilities Available :
                    o Additional Facilities Required :

                    • Approval / Forwarding of the Head of Department / Institute / IRB.

                    • Flow Chart: (Describe sequence of tasks within time frame).
                    • Ethical Implications: (Think very carefully about possible ethical implications and
                    put  views.  Consult  BMRC's  Guidelines  for  Ethical  Review  of  Projects  involving
                    Human Subjects).
                    • References: Vancouver style to be followed. e.g.- Can Med Assoc J 1995; 152(9):

                    SOP OF BMRC ETHICAL GUIDELINE                                                                                              Page 9
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