Page 6 - Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
P. 6

Circle the appropriate answer to each of the following

                                               (If not Applicable write NA)

                    1. Source of Population:                   4.Are subjects clearly informed about?
                                                                (a) Nature and        Yes    No
                      (a)   ILL Participant        Yes    No   purposes of study
                        (b)   Non ILL Participant  Yes    No    (b)  Procedures to be   Yes   No
                        (c)   Minors or persons     Yes    No         followed including
                             under guardianship                     alternatives used
                                                               (c)     Physical risks       Yes     No
                    2. Does the study involve?                 (d)     Private questions   Yes      No
                                                                (e)    Invasion of the      Yes     No
                       (a)   Physical risks        Yes    No        Body
                           To the subjects                      (f)    Benefits to be        Yes    No
                       (b)   Social Risks             Yes    No         Derived
                       (c)   Psychological           Yes    No     (g)    Right to refuse      Yes    No
                           Risks to subjects                        to participate or
                       (d)   Discomfort to           Yes    No         to withdraw from study
                             Subjects                           (h)    Confidential       Yes   No
                       (e)   Invasion of the body  Yes    No             handling of data
                       (f)   Invasion of  Privacy  Yes    No     (i)  Compensation       Yes   No
                       (g)   Disclosure of              Yes    No    where there are risks or
                           Information damaging to             loss of working time or
                             Subject or others                 privacy is involved in
                    3.     Does the study involve?             any particular procedure
                      (a)   Use of records,         Yes    No    5.Will signed consent form/verbal
                    (Hospital, medical, Death, birth or other)   consent be required?
                                                                (a)    From Subjects      Yes       No
                      (b) Use of fetal tissue     Yes    No     (b)    From parent or     Yes       No
                         Or abortus                               guardian (if  subjects are minors)
                      (c) Use of organs or        Yes    No    6.      Will precautions be      Yes   No
                         Body fluids                                   taken to protect
                                                                       anonymity of subjects

                    SOP OF BMRC ETHICAL GUIDELINE                                                                                              Page 5
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