Page 8 - Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
P. 8


                                          PREPARATION OF AN ABSTRACT
                              NATIONAL RESEARCH ETHICS COMMITTEE (NREC)

                    The  Ethical  Review  Committee  will  not  consider  any  application  which  does  not
                    include  a  specific  abstract/summary  for  the  committee.  The  abstract  should
                    summarize  the  purpose  of  the  study,  the  methods  and  procedures  to  be  used,  by
                    addressing  each  of  the  following  items.  If  an  item  is  not  applicable,  please  note

                    1.     Describe  the  requirements  in  respect  of  the  population  and  explain  the
                    rationale for using population of special groups such as children, Incompetent person
                    or groups whose ability to give voluntary informed consent is questionable.

                    2.     Describe and assess any potential risks - physical, psychological, social, legal
                    or other and assess the likelihood and seriousness of such risks. If methods of research
                    create potential risks, describe other methods, if any, that were considered and why
                    they cannot be used.

                    3.     Describe procedures for protecting against or minimizing potential risks and
                    assessment of their likely effectiveness.

                    4.     Include  a  description  of  the  methods  for  safeguarding  confidentiality  or
                    protecting anonymity.

                    5.     When there are potential risks to the subject, or the privacy of the individual
                    may be involved, the investigator is required to obtain a signed informed consent from
                    the participant. For minors, informed consent must be obtained from the authorized
                    legal guardian or parent of the subject. Describe consent procedures to be followed
                    including how and where informed consent will be obtained.

                    (a)    If signed consent will not be obtained, explain why this requirement should be
                    waived and provide an alternative procedure such as a verbal consent.

                    (b) If information is to be withheld from a subject, justify this course of action.

                    (c)    If there is a potential risk to the subject or privacy of the individual or loss of
                    work time is involved in any particular procedure, include a statement in the consent
                    form stating whether any compensation will be available.

                    SOP OF BMRC ETHICAL GUIDELINE                                                                                              Page 7
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