Page 3 - Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
P. 3

Exemption from Peer Review

                       Research proposal from under graduate students of any University / Medical
                       College / Institution and submitted through proper channel (recommendation
                       from  Head  of  institution  /  Department  /  Supervisor  or  approval  from  local
                       IRB)  may  be  given  exemption  from  the  peer  review  with  a  condition  that
                       there is no intervention, risk of distress or injury, physical or psychological to
                       the subjects.  Chairman of NREC can give an ethical approval of this proposal
                       in condition that the proposal must submit in the next NREC meeting.

                    Terms and conditions for Post approval completion of research:

                           •     Reports  should  be  submitted  at  intervals  prescribe  by  NREC  for

                           •     Report should be submitted periodically & at the end of the study.
                           •     In Clinical Trial, formation of Data Safety and Monitoring Board

                                 (DSMB) is mandatory.
                           •     At  least  2  (two)  members  shall  be  included  from  NREC  during

                                 formation of DSMB.
                           •     All  Serious  Adverse  Events  (SAEs)  and  Adverse  Events  (AEs)

                                 should be addressed with proper medical care.
                           •     Protocol  deviation,  if  any,  should  be  informed  with  adequate

                           •     Any amendment to the protocol should be resubmitted for renewed

                           •     Any new information related to the study should be communicated

                                 to NREC.
                           •     Change  of  investigators  /  place  of  study  need  to  be  approved  by

                           •     Safety and confidentiality of participant shall be maintain.

                    SOP OF BMRC ETHICAL GUIDELINE                                                                                              Page 2
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